Home Blog Looking Back US To Reduce Green House Gas Emission From Automobiles
In an effort to put a rein on green house gas emission from automobiles, Obama administration has at last announced a strategic plan on 19 May 2009, which will force US automobile manufactures to increase the mileage of car and to innovate fuel-efficient cars. This is undoubtedly a major step initiated by the Obama administration to fight against the growing threat of global warming.
It is ironical that this national policy for reducing green house gases, it is more or less similar to that of a California policy, which had not been implemented during the Bush regime despite the efforts of some California state officials.
This policy, which was unanimously accepted by the California government, US automakers and the federal government, will set a national wide standard. According to this policy, carbon dioxide emission in United States has to be reduced 30% by 2016. Reducing oil consumption 5% a year is another ambitious target projected by Obama in this new policy.
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