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Home Blog Website Design Services Pageless Prototype is the Future of Website Designing

Pageless Prototype is the Future of Website Designing

  • 06 May / 2015
Future of Website Designing

With an increase in mobile application and mobile internet gaining pace, the need is felt to create websites that can serve users’ varied requirements. But, this has led to the problem of stuffed websites that too much time to open in open over mobile phones. Indeed, the advent of “Pageless Prototype” has given an excellent answer to this problem. As a part of this, single page is developed by the designer laced with continuous scrolling feature with lesser content and thoroughly explained directions. This custom website design service is aimed at advertising an engaging environment that will help the users to find information from a single page itself.

Why Go “Pageless”

Certainly, it is a perfect example of technical advancement that has managed to offer easy viewing to users. Following are the reasons that make “Pageless Prototype” an excellent way to indulge in getting information through mobile phones.

  • Compelling users to act:
    Communication is an integral part of any website as it is the purpose of designing them. Each and every Pageless prototype is meant to tell a story about the company through short pieces. It is like quick information served within tight words; though, the message delivered is exceptionally clear.
  • Easy to digest:
    With an increasing load of work, people are hardly getting time to scroll through multi-page websites on mobile phones. Moreover, such sites take time to load and this creates frustration. Certainly, single page websites created by an experienced website design company with required information will enable users to scroll willingly and save time as compared to heavy websites.
  • Easy to make changes:
    When it comes to making alterations in an existing design, doing it over multi-page websites is quite tedious. And carrying out the same thing on a single page prototype is much easier as it can be done at any given point of time.
  • Decreased bounce rate and sharing:
    Sharing information from a big page website can be monotonous at times as people hardly have time to look for necessary information on the entire site. This has enabled the single-page prototype to emerge as a winner because of its compelling information presented in a crisp manner to attract viewers. Indeed, exclusive information regarding the website sent to prospective users will keep them engaged and reduce the bounce rate.
  • Creates uniformity:
    Certainly, Pageless designs look extensively good on all devices like desktop, tablets, laptop and mobile phones. This makes it possible to reach an extensive set of people using these devices and save them from troubled browsing experiences. Being of responsive nature, these kinds of prototypes are device friendly.
  • Increase conversion rate:
    The excellent thing about the Pageless prototype designs is that it engages a user from top to bottom and leads the visitors to take favorable action. This can be about converting a query or simply browsing through a website into a sales deal. It is the quality of getting increased conversion rates for companies with Pageless designs that has increased its demand in the web market.


Website development is advancing with the assistance of technology, which is paving way for the other people to get accustomed to an easy user experience. In this new phase of website design services, importance is given to the websites with single pages, taking less time to browse and offer all information within one boundary. This is the reason behind the growth of single page prototype, which is making place as a perfect solution to bulky websites.

Raju Chakraborty

Raju Chakraborty

The CEO of WebGuru Infosystems, Mr. Raju Chakraborty writes from a place of experience on websites, app development, and digital marketing.


  1. A nice write-up on the topic and surely as nowadays more focus is been given to mobile portability for websites. But rather than just stuffing text more focus has to be given to genuine content for the users.

  2. Thanks to the writer for this excellent blog! It shows how pageless web design provides a seamless experience without link hunting or any sort of click or point guesswork.

  3. Loads of informative content compacted into a single page! Hope this pageless web design concept is not going to affect SEO much.

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