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Home Blog SEO Services How To Recover Your Ranking after the Panda Update

How To Recover Your Ranking after the Panda Update

  • 09 May / 2011

It has been a while now that Google has rolled out the great Panda update. The reactions are sharp and overwhelming and it forced Google to open up a new cell, to be precise a new thread, in its Google Webmaster Help center to get some direct feedbacks from the webmasters who are supposed to be wrongly affected by the recent algo shuffle. But there is a catch to it. Google would not care a fig to make an exception in its algo just because your website gets suffered badly from it. So, you need to pull your socks up and get ready for some actions if you are serious about getting your rankings back. Here are some tips that you can try out and of course best of luck:

Look At Your Content: Unique content does not mean that you hire someone and tell him rewrite some existing content from other websites so that it can pass the CopyScape hurdle. This thing is not going to help you anymore. The Panda update is primarily targeted at weeding out low quality content (even though they transpire to be unique) that does not add much value to users’ experience. If you can make your visitors happy, you would not have to do anything for Google. This is as simple as that.

Start A Manhunt: Figure out how many pages of your website are affected by the recent Panda Update. Once you track them out, you will have two options in your hands. Either you will have to edit them and replenish them with fresh and new content. Or you will have to delete them completely from the database.

Try No Index: If any particular section of your website seems worthless or is filled with drivels, get rid of that section by removing the entire thing or try ‘Noindex’. Featuring ‘thin’ content in your website can have negative impacts on the overall performance of your website. These pages are doing more harm than good, and that means you need to make them inaccessible to search engines so that Search Engines index only those pages with original content.

Supplimentary Index: Google is rumored to have a secondary database that mainly contains pages that are less important. Now, as obvious, if you find that the number of Supplimentary index has increased dramatically, it obviates the fact that Google is giving your website less priority.

Make It User Friendly: The bottom-line is that you need to make your website as users friendly as possible. Forget about Google, yes we know how hard it is, just think about the users. Google has already insinuated the fact that it is going to give more importance to users’ behavior, presence of a website in social media etc. In short, all boils down to one thing, keep your visitors busy and happy and it will do the trick.

Patience: – Do not be in a hurry to get thousands of links, just because your website is nowhere in Google SERP. It is not going to work anymore. You need to wield the power of self-control and patience and we hope, you will be able to cruise past this difficult time.

WebGuru Infosystems

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