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Home Blog SEO Services Who is the King of the Web? Part 1 – Webguru Infosystems

Who is the King of the Web? Part 1 – Webguru Infosystems

  • 05 May / 2008

(A comparative study of Google, Yahoo and Msn)

Today, our lives have become more simple and easy. The world has transformed the big world into a small global village. We feel more connected to each other than ever before.

Big websites like Google, Yahoo, MSN and others offer huge gamut of services. We can access any information, news of the world anytime, anywhere.

Advent of the World Wide Web is one of the significant achievements in the history of technological advancement. Web has become a platform of active participation wherein people across the world are closely associated with one another. The rise of social networking sites and web-based communities speak volumes of the new trend where the Web has transformed into “architecture of participation”.

Dawn of the Web

World Wide Web is the byproduct of modern man’s urge for universal information database. It is an Internet-based computer system, which helps the web users to view and access an array of information from various sources like global news, university and medical sites at a single point of time.

Computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Switzerland in 1989.The worldwide network soon greatly benefited the users and contributed in various software developments.

Growth of the World Wide Web

Since 1990, the World Wide Web started booming at a tremendous pace. The founder of the World Wide Web primarily designed this project to facilitate the work of physicists. The web would serve as platform of sharing data, documentation and news.

With the passage of time, many technological developments took place, which speeded up the performance of the Web. Simple static websites gave way to dynamic ones. Gradually, Web witnessed a new growth with the rise of e commerce websites, where online trade started taking place. Today, engaging web development services to avail a user-friendly and impactful online destination is no more a choice but a priority for businesses across verticals.

Present scenario of the web industry

Over the last few years, the Web has undergone sea change. Following the burst of the Great Dot Com Bubble, a new trend has developed in the recent times.

Web 2.0 is an advanced form and encompasses all the elements of the Web 1.0 design. In the vocabulary of Tim O’Reilly, founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, “ Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform” (Source –

Video Communication – the biggest trend on the Internet

Various social networking sites sprouted like MySpace, Facebook, Bebo.This new trend heralded the growth of video based website. In fact, the YouTube formed in 2005. Within a span of one year, this video website recorded as the fastest popular site in web history. The new technology gave the web users put in their own content through the method of feedback. It has been observed that many websites have been designed by using both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 design.

Major websites

Google, Yahoo and Msn have established themselves as three major websites in the web world. Understanding the needs of the users, these websites have adopted new ways in order to ensure that web users can access information comfortably.

The three major websites have also set up themselves as important search engines. It is an observed fact that there is always a consistent web tussle among the three websites.

In the web world, a stiff competition persists among the websites in order to invite more traffic and retain customer loyalty. More and more services have been added up by the websites. Although born at a later date, Google has seemingly been successful in setting new challenges among its contemporaries in order to make its presence felt in the web industry.

WebGuru Infosystems

WebGuru Infosystems

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