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Home Blog Website Design Services Adding Texture in Website Design: A Close Review

Adding Texture in Website Design: A Close Review

  • 16 Aug / 2010
free texture

Use of texture in modern website design industry has become a common practice among seasoned website designers since it gives ample scope to them to try their designing skills and to explore new avenues. One of the main reasons of its immense popularity is its immense versatility that will give you an opportunity to unfurl your creative wings. What is all the more interesting about textures is that they can be used in countless different ways and that means, you will be able to give each single design a different style altogether without getting overtly repetitive.

Importance of Texture: – As texture is highly versatile in nature, you can utilize its power to give your design a different twist. It can be subtle or can be made prominent by cleverly positioning its elements in the final structure. Moreover, it can be used with some other designing elements such as colors, lights and topography without making the design look clumsy or ungainly.

How To Apply Texture to Your Design: – There are a number of ways to apply texture to your design. However, each different technique comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages that you should not ignore blatantly. Here we are going to discuss some of the popular methods of designing a texture for your upcoming website design project:

Creation From The Scratch: If you have a passion for creativity, just start off your project with your old and trusted friend – Photoshop. It has all the ingredients to create a perfect cocktail for a mind-blowing texture and all you need to do is to master the art. Of course, you are not going to create a masterpiece at the first attempt. This is simply not feasible but if you strive hard for a long time, you will definitely be able to make a difference in this regard. If you are newbie and finding it hard to overcome the teething problems, you can check some cool tutorials that are easily available over Internet.

Use of Free Stock Images: – If you are not comfortable with the above-mentioned option, you can try this one. All you have to do is to find out a fabulous image from a stock image website and then add some layer effects on it to give it a different look. Thankfully, there is no dearth of stock images if you are willing to spend some extra bucks for that.

Scan Texture: – This is the most innovative kind of technique that you will certainly like to explore. It is more or less similar to that of designing your own images right from the scratch. Here you have to scan something; it can be a piece of wood or something else and then you can make some modification in by using tools of Photoshop.

Try Photoshop brushes: – Textures can be created easily if you have a certain level of authority over Photoshop. All you need to do is download some free Photoshop brushes that are easily available and try out some brushstrokes and we are sure that you will able to explore a different streak of your character sooner or later.

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