Home Blog Website Development Best Social Bookmarking Plugins For WordPress
People like to share and that is why Social bookmarking sites are here. Sharing interesting, funny or exciting info is cool. So, if you would like to make your WordPress blog look cool and fresh, here we have got something that you should not miss out at any cost. We have compiled a list of some highly popular social bookmarking plugins for WordPress that you can easily integrate with your blog. By integrating any of these social bookmarking plugins, you can easily spread your message. Your posts can get instant popularity as your visitors will share your posts with their friends by clicking on the bookmarking icons.
Drag to Share eXtended: – It is a powerful social bookmarking plugin that allows your visitors to share your blog post on different social bookmarking sites. It is easy to use and simple to integrate.
Socialgrid: – It is another simple widget that lets you organize your links in different profiles. Currently, it is offering support for these following services: Twitter, Technorati, StumbleUpon, Posterous, Friendfeed, Flickr and many more.
GetSocial: – This is an extremely lightweight widget. It floats onto your blog which means it will remain visible even when your visitors scroll down the page of your blog. This social bookmarking plugin comes loaded with Google Buzz button, Stumbleupon Submit button, Facebook Share button, Retweet button and Tweetmeme. However, you can easily add or remove any social media sharing button
Light Social: – This is a lightweight social bookmarking plugin that adds a set of social bookmarking icons at the bottom of each post. It is extremely easy to configure and you can effortlessly enable or disable links of social bookmark. This widget uses latest and sophisticated simplistic html code, which means it is not going to have any detrimental impact on your website’s loading speed.
Share and Follow: – If you do not have enough time in hand, you can try out this social bookmarking plugin. It is designed for those average users and developers who want to save time.
SexyBookmarks: – The name may sound a bit edgy but this is one of those powerful social bookmarking plugins that can help your visitors submit your articles in different social bookmarking sites.
Sociable: – It comes with a zillion of social bookmarking sites. You can choose from 99 social bookmaking sites, which are amazing. This widget automatically adds links to your favorite bookmarking sites.
Years of
Hi WebGuru,
I use Get Social and also the Wibiya tool bar. The get social plugin is great, like you said it follows the reader down the page.
Thank you