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Home Blog Website Design Services Web Designers to Witness a High Industrial Demand

Web Designers to Witness a High Industrial Demand

  • 23 May / 2013
Web Designers

The global economic meltdown has affected the employment scenario all across the world and the industry is still struggling to come to terms with the change it has initiated. The employment scenario, in general might not portray a very rosy picture, but all is not that bad with the design and development industry. Today, web designers are finding them in a much comfortable position with new openings being generated in both private and public companies. It is also being perceived that openings for web design jobs are all set to increase in the years to come.

After all, the need of web designers can never be ignored, as maintaining a dominant organizational presence online will always remain a priority with companies. So, even if the companies are laying off employees, web designers seem to be in a secure state. Web designers are blessed to have diverse skill set, which makes defining the profile of web designing jobs all the more difficult. To bag one of these impressive positions in the industry, provided you have got the aptitude, you must possess a striking portfolio.

Web Design Job Range

Web designers deal with several job profiles. According to a study conducted by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job profile of web designers and developers vary in between the following roles –

  • Database Administrators and Computer Scientists: Web Designers, Webmasters, and Web Developers.
  • Desktop Publishers – Web Publications Designers
  • Editors and Writers – Web Writer
  • Computer programmers – Web Programmer

The job profile of computer scientists, of all the above-mentioned job profiles, seems to be the most lucrative in the industry. According to the report of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook of this particular profile is all set to rise through 2016. Today, database administrators and computer scientists are projected as one of the prospective occupation throughout the next decade. The job profile is expected to grow at a rate of 37% till 2016, faster than any other job profile across the industry globally.

Web Design Jobs – Educational Requirements

To be a successful and competent web designer, it is very important for the candidate to have the right blend of educational qualifications and a creative bent of mind. Usually, the job requires the candidate to have an associate degree. If you intend to explore the profile of the computer scientist, having a 4-year degree is sure to give you the edge or advantage over others. However, some companies also hire candidates of 2-year degree program and mould them in accordance to the needs and objective of the company.

Since, web designers are not awarded with any sort of universally accepted accreditation; most companies seek candidates having preliminary knowledge in computer applications and experience of building or designing websites. It is to be remembered in this aspect that the higher the pay scale is; the more experience is required for the job position. If you wish to get into the web design domain from the field of graphic design, a bachelor’s degree is a must need.

Competition in the Field of Web Design

A study has revealed that in 2006 around 25% graphic designers chose to be self-employed and most of them forayed into the domain of web design to gain an experience in the field. Even today, a number of prospective candidates tend to work as a freelancer in both web design and graphic design industry and are most likely to possess a degree of both fields. Such a trend among the generation has implied that to be a successful web designer or graphic designer, you must consider developing skills on aspects like –

  • Web Application Development
  • Web Scripting
  • Animation

Additionally, it must also be taken into notice that web designers possessing database administration and computer science skills are most likely to fare better than candidates having expertise only in the domain of graphics and layout. Some companies also consider trying out prospective candidates as freelances initially, prior to offering them a permanent job in the organization. This particular trend has been reasoned with the fact that employers would first like to see the working style, approach, and expertise of a prospective candidate at first and then offer him or her permanent position.

Web writing and Web Design Jobs – The Connection

The industry of web design and development has made web writing a lucrative career option for candidates having a flair for writing and an interest in the field of web design. If you want to explore the field of web design through writing, your focus must stay on SEO writing and you must understand the difference between offline and online writing. If you are blessed with good writing skills and possess a basic knowledge of HTML or placing your content onto websites, you are likely to stay high on demand.

Raju Chakraborty

Raju Chakraborty

The CEO of WebGuru Infosystems, Mr. Raju Chakraborty writes from a place of experience on websites, app development, and digital marketing.

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