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Home Blog Graphic Design Services 5 Principles – How to Design a Great Logo

5 Principles – How to Design a Great Logo

  • 02 Jul / 2015
logo design principles

A good logo is simple, appropriate, distinctive, practical and graphic in form and conveys an intended message. The basic principles of logo design are easy and simple. In the digital era, logos are almost synonymous with businesses. A logo is intended to innately impart your business’s core values and objectives. Knowing that the identity of your business can lie within a few pixels, it’s time to get on with it and master the 5 rules of logo design. Following these principles will help you make a good logo.

Top 5 tips to design a great logo

1. Simple

A simple logo design ensures easy recognition and allows the logo to be memorable and versatile. A good logo features something unique without being overdrawn. Each moment of the day, customers are bombarded with a number of brands. How could yours stand out? Simple is the answer as complicated logos with several elements can be confusing and distracting to your audience. You should take all your design inspiration and decrease it down to the basics. An effective logo design for business should only incorporate features that are crucial to your business.Hence, to quote Henry David Thoreau, “Simplify, simplify, simplify”. Nike is a wonderful example of how simplicity can get you further than you would imagine. A simple stroke portrays a lot about their business and leaves a strong impression.

2. Timeless

Your logo has to be timeless. Needless to say, the classic Coca-Cola logo is the best example of a timeless logo. Created more than a century ago, the logo still appears appealing and is relevant to the present business. If you want your logo to be able to stand the test of time, focus on your brand instead of what the latest trends are. Following trends like popular fonts and styles may become a burden potentially when the trend fades.

3. Appropriate

A brand is nothing without a story. You need to build a strong connection with your customers through telling them your brand story, and that takes an intense understanding of your audience. After you have analyzed and studied your audience inside out, you will have an improved sense of which colour, font or graphics to use. Your logo must be appropriate for your business and tailored for your audience.

4. Versatile

The power of versatility is one of the best gifts you can give your logo. When getting on with a logo design process, you must be aware of its usage. You will resize this logo onto various materials and surfaces, such as banners, letterheads or business cards. Pick a logo that will be successful at any size. The same goes for the colour as well. If you create a logo that is heavily dependent on colour, then icon’s effect can be nullified when it’s printed in black and white. Versatility makes a logo flexible enough to be used on every occasion.

5. Memorable

Ultimately, the only mandate in the design of a simple, yet, appropriate logo is that it should be distinctive, memorable, and clear. A few seconds is all it requires to make a first impression, but you need to ensure your logo makes a lasting impression too. Unique graphics and sharp colours are just a couple of ways to help you stand out in a crowd.Twitter is a great example of a memorable logo design. Once you notice that icon of blue small flying bird, you identify it’s related to an action, i.e. tweeting. The inherent correlation made between the tweeting of a bird in the logo and the act of tweeting is truly memorable. That’s a really strong branding.

Briefing your business into a few pixels is not at all an easy task. Your business deserves a logo that accurately represents its core operations and values. Experienced teams of branding designers from a logo design company India have expertise in building a logo that will speak lengths about your business principles and connect your audience with them.

For more such insights on logo design, you may read our other blog on 12 Modern Logo Design Trends For 2023.

Raju Chakraborty

Raju Chakraborty

The CEO of WebGuru Infosystems, Mr. Raju Chakraborty writes from a place of experience on websites, app development, and digital marketing.


  1. This one is a truly useful blog for creative graphic designers, both armature and experienced. Thanks!

  2. Hello there I’ve read all your post so fr , its really helpful and useful for me . thanks for posting such post and i also want new articles about designing the great logo because have to make such research for my future company.

  3. @apex tgi: Thank you for being a regular reader. We will surely come up with great tips and tricks on designing a new logo. In the mean while, you can check several other topics we have written on logo.

  4. Great blog. But I believe ‘time’ is a relative term. So, when you are saying a logo should be timeless, I guess it means revamping the old logo slightly with the newest trends. For example: Nestle. Am I right?

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