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Home Blog Ecommerce Website Development How To Reduce The Bounce Rate Of Your eCommerce Website?

How To Reduce The Bounce Rate Of Your eCommerce Website?

  • 23 Dec / 2017
5 eCommerce Mistakes To Avoid

An eCommerce platform is arguably the best way to showcase your products and services on the internet. The only issue is that you are not alone in doing so, for there are scores of competitors targeting customers that you intend to convert. You may have a strong digital marketing strategy bringing lots of traffic to your site. But, if your sales are still not going up, the first point to check is the bounce rate of your website.

What is bounce rate?

This is the percentage of users who have visited your website but did not stay there or have left after visiting a page or two within a few seconds. This percentage can be derived from various analytics tools e.g. Google Analytics. If the tool shows a bounce rate of say, 60% it indicates that 60% of users visiting your site did not go beyond clicking on the home page or an internal page. Just remember that higher the bounce rate more the number of customers that leave your site.

As an eCommerce website owner, you should aim at retaining the maximum number of visitors to your site. Easier said than done? Well, yes and no depending on how your website is configured or what is the level of user experience provided by your site.

Factors influencing a higher bounce rate

  • Website not aesthetically pleasing
  • Slow loading of site
  • Website not compatible with mobile devices
  • Insufficient or incorrect depiction of products & services
  • Difficulty in navigation
  • Too many distractions in the form of CTA popups
  • Presence of a number of advertisement banners that hinders usability and visibility of content

Tips to reduce the bounce rate

When a higher bounce rate to your landing page(s) leads to lesser conversions, it means giving a serious look to your website’s appearance and its content. Following are the five areas where your website may require improvements.

1. Unclear value proposition:

Your website should clearly bring out the value proposition of your products and services. If visitors to your site do not understand why they should buy products and services from your site as opposed to buying from your competitors, they would leave. Thus, it is important to explain through images the USP of your products and how they offer customers the value for money.

2. Improper product description:

If features of the products are not described properly with images, specifications and price, they will not appeal to the users. A user would prefer a product that comes with proper specifications and presented with attractive images. A professional eCommerce website developer can give you more insight into the factors that influence user experience.

3. Lacking in trustworthiness:

Customers would only buy products from your site if they find it trustworthy. This calls for establishing your brand name and incorporating elements like customer rating & reviews and press releases in notable sites and papers among others.

3. Illegible or Unclear Content:

On visiting your landing page if users find the content to be illegible, lacking in clarity, and full of spelling and grammatical errors, they will form a negative impression about your site and leave. Thus, it is important to put up a great content in an easy to read format. Make sure the content does not contain long paragraphs but short ones with proper headings, sub headings, and bullet points.

4. Too many Popups:

Too many popups when reading a website content, leads to irritation and annoyance of the user. Even though popups might increase your email list they tend to hinder user experience. So, better to avoid them altogether or just have a few well designed ones that do not come in the way of readability.

You may also read Top eCommerce Marketing Strategies.


Easy navigation & lucid content, proper presentation of products & value proposition, showcasing brand loyalty and customers’ trust reduce bounce rate to a great extent. Contact professional eCommerce website developers and digital marketing specialists to acquire more information on how to improve your eCommerce website design.

WebGuru Infosystems

WebGuru Infosystems

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  1. This article on bounce rate was really helpful for my website. Wonderfully written article. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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